Sunday, March 30, 2014

Back on Track ...

It has been a couple of crazy months, with the new jobs and such, but it was time to
sign on for my next running destination.
It will be the Honolulu Marathon, on Oahu, of course, the 14th of December of this year.

Race course

Training plan to come.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Finally ?

As I do not kite when the wind is not perfect - as a rule - we are on Maui after all - I did not kite much those last couple of weeks.

NE trade winds ?

But the forecast looks good...
Starting today !

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Back on the road ... but not alone !

With Molly, we are training pretty hard for a 5K race in April. This would be obviously the longest ever ever that Molly ever run - and the goal is to not walk. (but between you and me, everything works if you can finish it before cut time !).
We already did a couple of 1 miler in the neighborhood, but today, it was the serious gig.
2 miles on Thomson road.

Running with a smile !

The views were breathtaking, almost at Sunset and the path was almost flat. As a runner, you cannot ask for more.

Maths behind the run
Overall, a steady 12min/mile pace and 180 Bpm.
A good training zone for her is between 150 and 190, with a max around 218. Then it was definitively a good effort ! I would like myself to be able to sustain 150bpm myself ;)

Anyway, this week-end. Part 2. 2 Miles with hills.
Let's the fun begin !

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wind is back !

I was praying for Spring to come...
And sometimes, wishes comes true:
Wind is back !!!

If you are not ready, you will go down !

White caps...

And dancing coconut trees !

Tomorrow, things should settle a bit, and it will be certainly super fun on the coast...
Yeah !

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rainy days...

Who said the sun was always shining in Hawaii ?
This winter has been the more rainy we have ever seen. It feels it has been pouring for days now. Grass is growing so fast I have to cut it almost every week.

Hard to tell. But it is pouring...

Rain or shine, I decided for my typical short-run (1 hour, on Lower Kula). I was eager to see how my hips will behave after those couple of weeks of resting. So far so good, let's wait tomorrow for the verdict.
We had briefly a bump of trades early in the week, and I could get a good kite session - it has been a while !
Except that and a couple of swim, nothing too exciting. And I did not decide my next challenge yet ....

Maui is typically slow, but in this weather... It is slower than ever.
Cannot wait for the spring !


Left leg still hurt this morning, even if I iced my hip yesterday at night. Not limping, but not too far...
Grrr. Not there yet.

Some Hope this morning ;) - Picture from Molly -
Good news is : It is certainly clear and sunny on the south shore. We will be able to chill at the beach ;)

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Does Yard Work count ?

It has been raining a lot, lately. And trees do not handle this that good.
The neighbor took it peacefully. A couple of years, his own avocado tree split in half and big chunk ended up on this roof.

Half way through this mess.
Now the real fun begins !

Ended up to buy a chainsaw - I think I could cut a body to pieces now ;)
Still, lots of work, and back pain...
Anyway, it is all cleaned up now.

And we will have a lot of firewood for next winter...

And yes, in Kula, You can use your fireplace in winter.

Believe it or not.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Life is virtual now : e-filing, data breach and web-surfing

Weather is not nice, which is cool, as I am in Resting mode.
Some cross training, like swimming - I was happy to go back to my favorite pool those last 2 days and get two good 45 minutes lap sessions).

Anyway,  I decided to tackle some cleaning of my computer  and do my taxes (lazily using TurboTax) - this year, super easy : Only one state (Hawaii) and one official job (one W2, I had the good idea to leave just at the end of the year). As TurboTax connect to my bank, it was really easy for all the other stuff. I dont think I will maximize my refound - as they say - but at least it was easy to e-file ;)

While cleaning my bookmarks, I continue to improve my online security by using better passwords and pick different ones for each major website. This is a key point in Internet security nowadays, as major website/companies get hacked relatively often now.

38 millions of user's accounts 

I really want to share this open source free tool, that is really awesome, available on all platforms.

 One password to rule them all !!


Really, if you like security, think about this.
Worth the time investment. I would even pay for it now ;)

And dont forget to turn on Double Authentication when available !!! (At least for your banking stuff...)

ps: They have IPhone App, and KeypassX for MacOs and Linux.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Back on torture Bench

From the Runner's world series, a good set of videos on the various running injuries (and non related).

from, I definitively fall into the Hip Tendinitis category. Again.

Of course, I did not learn anything. At this point, I think I got all the information I need. I just need a quick in the butt to continue to do my stretchs and my exercises.
Easier said than done, as always.
Hopefully with tha pain being back and rest almost forced, I might start to listen to myself...

ps : The workout for prevention is interesting as well.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bumps on the road

This week has been all about bumps and bummer.
I was getting ready to setup myself for a great reboot of 2014. New job, new lifestyle, new resolutions ... I am now a **real** marathoner.
But it looks like a false start.

The packaging was excellent, though. WTF ?
One of my screen got damaged. One of my leg (this time, the left one) is hurting (same place). My back is better - a bit - after my last visit to the chiropractor, but it is far from perfect. A good swell was on the way for this week end, but the rain was pouring all Sunday and it was nothing but lame and cold.

Eh. At least, my old buddy is visiting and we are having fun bitchin' about the game industry and stuff.
Not all is bad !