Monday, April 21, 2014

My Name is Mud

Week #3 in the pocket, with 21 Miles total.
In fact, Yesterday I ran almost 2:30, which is fairly ling, and would match 15 miles easy on road.
But it was in the forest, and it was muuuudy.

It has been raining lately.

Bike tracks doesn't help...

And it is going up, and down... I will end up on my butt...

Overall, it was fun, the slippery parts made it challenging and ... slow.
Comparing to my last performance, I went as slow as a 3 loop run on a 2 loop's one.
This morning, no hip pain, but some unknown until yet right knee pain. My guess it was harder than I thought, and plus I am trying to change my gait and running with my glutes, and maybe my body is not adapted to this. But I am glad for the inexistent hip pain.
Cannot have it all.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Haiku to Kula

Has been a while I did not run more than 2 hours.

There was a festival in Haiku this afternoon, and it was a good occasion to try a new route. Back home, from Haiku, running. 12.5 miles and 2500 feet elevation.
Hopefully, it was not too much, because they call for Wind and Waves tomorrow.

Quite happy with my performance,
Considering the climb...
Always Cloudy overthere

Always borderline for the rain

Rainbow island

Good. With this long run in the bag, I am following my come back and hitting 24 miles this week, in 3 days.
But, disregarding statistics, today, I took up again with the pleasure of long distance running.
And the associated pain, of course.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Welcome in the family

It was too windy today to baptize my new toy ...

4-6 feet, 25 knots, sunny
What can you ask more ?

The newcomer, In white.

Bandit 6, 8m. Nice kite.

I had a missing link in my quiver. Now, I got all the size, almost !
5m, 6m, 7m, 8m and 10m.

You guessed it, on Maui, no need for big kites ....

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Training plan

Waves are getting smaller, but wind is picking up seriously ... 5m kite !!
On the running path, this week, I started my new plan for 2014.

This is my old plan:

I realize now that I prefer longer run but less often, then I will stick to 3 run/week. That will give me more time for other stuff, like kiting and swimming. I usually limit myself to one session/ day. That's all about my hips can take right now.

My goal for April is to ramp up to a steady 30 miles/week that I will hold as a typical non-training training. Not sure that makes any sense, but it does to me.
If I hit comfortably 30 miles/week, I just need two months of actually specific marathon training, to increment the mileage up to 36 miles/ week.

Two-Three month is roughly what I will have between end of August and December to get ready.

That gives me a 6-5-10 for this week. As of today, I have already 2x6 miles in the bag for this week.

Exciting times !