Friday, September 23, 2016


It has been roughly one month I have started the rehab of my calf and foot, trying to heal from my Achilles tendonitis. They called for 6 to 8 weeks. After 4, I can definitively see an improvement already. The pain almost disappear in non running days. I was able to run a nice 2:30 trail run last week without too much worries.
In one word, the exocentric exercises appear to work pretty good.
It takes time. That's a given.

Filled a back pack with weights and water gallon,
and get ready for up to 60 calf raises.
But it works. What to ask for more ?

Well, we could ask for a butt like that....

A key point of those past few months is my commitment to strengthening exercises. I am down to around 100 squats, 100 lunges and around 40 single leg squats, all that while working on the dog on 30 min walk.
Except the rising eye brow of all the neighbourgs, it is a cool way to maximize training time. jog 30s, 20 squats, jog 20s, 20 lunges. Repeat.

This is what you want to look like. Naked.
Correct form 
Following the advice of still amazing - The Run Experience team - Seriously, check them out. Don't forget to setup your email rules for spam though, I finally decided to commit to daily hip and leg exercises. And it seems to work as well.

It has been month I did not go kiting (To be fair, I am not fon of the summers on the north Maui coast, tons of wind, sure, but small and bumpy wind waves). Today, as a pre-warmup for the winter season, I decided to dust off the gear (need to refresh it, been a few years :) - did a 45 minute session, and no psoas pain  - at all.
That's what I call a freaking good sign.
Let's cross fingers, train hard, and say good bye to those 2 - 3? - 4? - years of struggle.
That would be amazing.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

51.14 + 225 = Fun times

The end of the tunnel ?
I have been doing strengthening exercises since at least 3 weeks, and, even if I can still feel my knee and ankle **a bit** screaming, overall it is back in the "easy pain" zone.
Pain that **might** not be a problem.

51.14, bread and butter.

Been a while I did not race Lower Kula. Actually, I did not intend to race it. and started quite slow.
A good sign that I am still in a good shape, I **almost** beat my PR on my bread and butter run.
1 minute short.
Which is quite a lot, on a 50 minute run, but still, that's my second best since 3 or 4 years.
My good old Garmin 220 eventually gave up after a long swim in the ocean.
Waterproof, they said ?

Modern life. iMac, Mio, Garmin.
Give me Wifi and a boat, and I am gone.

Anyway, got a got deal on a refurbished one year old 225. Thank you amazon (which days after days looks almost like eBay). Same but fancier, and with a heart zone sensor integrated.
Bye, Bye, the Mio. I feel already lighter. 20g off.

Un ange passe.
Or a hurricane.
Or two.

Madeline, Lester. Like an old couple.
Or two eyes. And a nose. Can you see Hawaii ?

Prey for the boat, and consider long running again.
Maybe a 1:20 Makawao Forest loop, the usual fun run, for tomorrow.
Let's give it a shot, and check those tendons.
Hopefully, won't be too wet.
That's just a hurricane passing. Or two.