Sunday, September 29, 2013

Painfully chilling out

The biggest issue when your entertainment - lifestyle relies on outdoor and exercising is to fill those days where your body is not fully responsive. We have been struggling with repetitive colds the last two weeks, and I got hit -again- this week-end. Worst, because I was snoring - sleeping on my back, I have been turned on my side by divine forces, and I ended up with a huge torticolis - stiff neck, that left my right side, neck to the shoulder paralyzed and painful.
By the way, those trapezius muscle are very sensitive and contracted when running, I should stretch them better (like the others muscles anyway).

Ulua Beach at 1PM. Windy.
After last week struggling with my psoas, now I am in pain due to my right shoulder. I feel like a broken old man. Well, even the wind was furious today (like every other day on the island) transforming our sunday pilgrim to the beach on the south in a sand storm struggle.

Last week, after the race, was real tough too.

View of our hotel room in Kanaapali

Life is not that easy in paradise ;)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

13 Miles in less than 2 hours, what's next ?

Obviously, 26 miles in less than 4 hours.
Easier said than done, but more on this subject in October.
Now it is time to rest, and take it easy.

Got some cool pictures of this Maui Half-Marathon of last week-end, though.

It started really early, 5:30AM. Lahaina, Front street

I was really worried about my hip flexor, as i was in pain all week. In fact, after warming up, the pain disappeared and never came back. Surprisingly, it was not **that** worst after the run. I guess this is a good sign, after all.

I like the paradox with the local guy sitting, in the background.
Remind me the way this society evolve.
I like to wear my cap and  sun glasses, even if the sun is not that present. It helps me to close myself from the outside, and go in the zone. The magic zone where the miles do not add and where the endorphin is flowing at will.

On the way back, Sweaty and heat was coming in. It was only around 7AM.
I was pushing it at the end, trying to drink while running, smiling to the camera and waving my Aloha sign. I don't think  a single drop of water made his way to my mouth.

Finish line. I really like this one.
I look like a pro.

Ended up relatively easy, even if I accelerated for the last 40 minutes / middle race point. I started at the end of the pack, with a slow pace (my presumed marathon pace, 10 min/ mile). That allowed me to spend the race accelerating all along and taking on other runners. Feels way better than the opposite.

Overall, I really liked it.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Look at the size of that thing"

I know, could not help it. Back in the days, in a galaxy far far way, I seduced my wife with Star Wars quotes. In French, at the time.

Anyway, I am slowly working through the pain in the right hip flexor, as usual, was very worried about the race tomorrow morning, 12 miles, and 2 days ago, I could barely walk the dog.
I took me a week to realize: stop focusing on this damn leg, everything comes from your back.
While axing this stump, I should have adjusted my posture, pelvis forward as would say a yogi, use your Ki, would say a Kendoka.

Roots, Bloody roots

And I should have stretched, before, during and after. twice.

There was a hole there

Next time I will try to remember it. All starts from your back.
Next week, I am back on the Internet to design a stretching strengthening program for my back.
Next day, I will be running an half-marathon
Next year, I will be running my first marathon.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Pain is back ..

And Back is pain.

Life is funny. Always ready to play tricks. I managed to score a couple of "long" sessions last week .. more than one hour or kitesurfing, maybe two hours of surfing. (Yes, at "work", the worst is over).
I was gloating again, How I beat this injury, now I could run forever, etc...
Because this is "racing" week, I decided to take it easy, went to the pool instead of running and did some gardening. Good idea.

Magic remedies. Ice and Advil.

One hour long swim (could not hold myself, I was feeling great) and lite Gardening (I am not really a gardener. What I call "gardening" was stump removal using a pick and an axe. Not really easy-peasy.) means back pain. And back pain conduct directly to psoas tenderness.
And now, at 4 days of my first race, I can barely walk. 
Like one year ago. Funny.

Hopefully the magic remedies will put me back on my feet tomorrow.
Crossing fingers.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

We are not in Kansas anymore

Just wanted to share a typical Sunday at Kanaha (Last Sunday).
I counted up to 50 kites in the water.
Good wind, small waves.
End of summer feeling.

Looking West from the Lifeguard tower

Kanaha's "Baby Beach".

This week the first swell came in, but the wind backed off. It made certainly the happiness of the North Shore's surfers.
Promising for a good winter season.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Little runners

It all started last week, but our daughter is now discovering the ferocious pleasures of cross country.
It would be perfect if it was not 7AM ;)

Montessori School Team
The full crowd before the first start

She is doing great and seems t enjoy it. They run Half a Mile, usually in around 4 minutes.
Good pace !