Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rainy days...

Who said the sun was always shining in Hawaii ?
This winter has been the more rainy we have ever seen. It feels it has been pouring for days now. Grass is growing so fast I have to cut it almost every week.

Hard to tell. But it is pouring...

Rain or shine, I decided for my typical short-run (1 hour, on Lower Kula). I was eager to see how my hips will behave after those couple of weeks of resting. So far so good, let's wait tomorrow for the verdict.
We had briefly a bump of trades early in the week, and I could get a good kite session - it has been a while !
Except that and a couple of swim, nothing too exciting. And I did not decide my next challenge yet ....

Maui is typically slow, but in this weather... It is slower than ever.
Cannot wait for the spring !


Left leg still hurt this morning, even if I iced my hip yesterday at night. Not limping, but not too far...
Grrr. Not there yet.

Some Hope this morning ;) - Picture from Molly -
Good news is : It is certainly clear and sunny on the south shore. We will be able to chill at the beach ;)

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