Thursday, November 6, 2014

D-Day - 7 Switching gears.

Sun is up, temperature are up, and wind is down. But the moral is up.
When the tension goes up, I have the remedy now.
I lace my running shoes.

Can you run in circles in a boat ?

The boat is almost ready, to the point I am turning in circles a bit.

Yesterday night, I managed to grab a grib file using the Sat phone.
Just as a backup, but an important one.
I managed eventually to connect to the Sat Phone and get a grib file. This is very expensive, but seems do able if needed. It takes 2 minutes to connect, and another 4 minutes to get a 10Kb file.
The unknown is the ability to aim to the satellite with the phone while at sea.
I guess it depends of the size of the waves and the rocking of the boat.

You can say you are switching gear when you go more often to Walmart than West Marine.
Costco is the starting line green light.
I have a last boat project - the reorganization of the lazarette space, but mostly starting to look into the provisioning, and weather. I want to take some emergency rations and water, but that takes tons of place. Specially if you want to add 10 gallons of water in jars.

But we will get there.

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