Sunday, January 25, 2015

1..2..3..Go !

Back yesterday, and I found the energy to go for a long run to close down the week.
The only dry part of the island was on the south shore, then I went south again.
I was lucky there was some clouds this time and the heat was overall bearable.

Lava rocks !
This part of the coast is really beautiful and wild.

A squall in the back.

Did not push to "La Perouse", I was targeting a "short" 12 miles, 2 hour run. But as I am trying to run a little faster than last year, I ended up at 13 miles with an average of 9 min/mile.
Not sure how long I will be able to keep this pace, but I suppose I am gonna know soon.

The training plan is starting, at 8 weeks for the marathon.

Training schedule.
8 Weeks to go.
And this is the start again of the actual long long runs, 16 miles.
As early as next week.
Gosh. This is getting serious again.

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