Why do you run ?
Do not run to lose weight.
It does not work.
Actually, there is more chance you will gain weight : Muscles are heavier than fat, and exercising will stimulate your appetite.
Why do you run ?
Because it is fun, and fun is fun.
Because it is painful, and you like it hard.
Because you like to buy sneakers, and you have to use them to justify it.
Because you can meditate without being zen.
Because , just because.
Because it is a fad, but a cool fad.
Because you are on diet, and it helps to burn calories.
Because it is faster than walking.
Because it is cool to be a runner, even cooler to be a marathoner.
Nothing she can do about it... She still love to run. |
There is plenty of good and bad reasons to run.
You only need one.
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