Sunday, August 23, 2015

Running 101 : From the couch to my first marathon (11)

Study your form.
A good exercise is to ask someone to record yourself, from the side, and the front while you try to run at a decent pace.
You will be surprised how hard is it to run properly.

Ready to fly

We did verify last week that my right foot was actually going wild on the side. I know I am struggling to get my arms aligned, they like to do the chicken wing thinghy.
The last thing I discovered with the movie is my tendency to over-stride, in theory, way harder if you strike on your fore-foot, but still possible.
Well, I am the proof you can run 2 marathons with fore-foot striking and still over striding.
That will be enough to explain all the hip pain. With the mileage increase, any small unbalance has a high price.

The major adjustment is the knee drive. I guess I did not have any knee drive.
Without any keen drive, it is likely you are gonna over-strike.
There is one major rule for stride : keep your ankle behind your knee.
Too long to explain, but if you don't you are gonna pull yourself instead of propelling yourself.
And jeez, that's gonna make a hell of a difference.

Since I watch carefully my knee drive and right foot alignment, I managed to increase my running time without pain, from 8 min, to 15, to 30. 
3 Miles !
Without pain.

The bad news, as there is always one, in term of effort, it was like I was racing at 8min/mile when I was actually struggling at 10min/mile. At least, those 30 min looked like 90min effort, calories wise.

The good news, as there is sometime one, is that I am running again. 
Step by baby step, back on the road.

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