Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Happy Birthday

You might remember, I cheated a bit with my birthday present, and offered myself a 2-day training camp with Coach Eric, back in September.

"The" Coach's playground.

And guess what?, it worked. Might not have been much, but it was enough for him to "fix" me - or -at least- to give me back two things: The love of the trails, and the confidence in my running.
'Gifted'. Fairly gifted ? Good enough for me.
Sure, there was a couple of things I could still adjust, here and there.
Sure, there is still a bit of pain, here and there - this **damn** knee.

Do I complain thaaaat much ?
In any case, it was empowering enough - or unlocking - to get me on track for new adventures.
Armed with new 'running' form, I am covering more ground than ever.
This week-end : Waiakoa trail in Poli Poli park.

Poli Poli Adventure running

In the early morning, you are above the clouds.

Lost the trail pretty fast.
It was closed for a reason : There is no trail.

Well, anyway, You cannot get it really wrong.
Just go up.

Found it !
Lava Rock trail. Can't run on this thing. 

Still above the clouds.

Path is getting better,
we are now back in official forest tracks.

Well. 3:30 of trail running.
Body is responding fairly well, relatively to the amount of effort.
Pain is bearable. Views are unbelievable.
Could you ask for a better birthday gift ?

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