Saturday, May 11, 2013

You can do it .. But should you ?

Following a comment from a friend who looked surprised I am not eating meat anymore (or barely).
It seems to be that our modern western society has brought us an incredible easy lifestyle, and obviously doomed us at the same time. Meat consumption was a luxury twenty or forty years ago. Mass producing meat for "everyone", proof of the "capitalism" success. Democratization of restaurants, through the junk food industry, who leave people incapacitated in cooking their own food. Examples goes on and on.

I really like the idea of being able to achieve what you are thriving for. If you read this blog, you know that this fundamental concept helps me to go through my small day-to-day issues and problems.
I do believe that "you can do it". Loose weight. Eat better. Do sports. Discover the world. Quit the rat race. Spend more time with your family. You name it.

How ever, this is not because you can do it, that you should. Not always. This were education, intelligence or just common sense come into play. I think the society we are living right now would be alright .... If people were smart and educated, or capable of self restraint.

Now that everything has become easy, the hard part is to control yourself. Which is an exciting time, as it gives back to people the power to thrive or despair. Unfortunately, the former are fewer and fewer, the latter more and more. What can you do ? it is up to the people.

Funny part is people seems to be still happy in third world countries.
Maybe it is just because they CANNOT do it. Yet.

1 comment :

  1. Dans un mois je crois que j'aurai un bon diététicien ,
    merci de tes bons conseils , bises a bientot .
