Life is funny. Just before the race, I injured my psoas, and now just before a well deserved sailing vacation/training I was really looking forward to, my shoulder gave up.
All started by a cold, a bad sleeping position and a stiff neck.
Home made cast. it does help. A bit. Ibuprofen helps more. |
It seems now to have degenerated into full lock of the arm, from the next to the shoulder, with pain going down to the hand.
Symptoms tend to involve a pinched nerve, certainly a displaced disk. My chiropractor rebuilt me once two days ago, but always with chiropractic, relief is short lived. My understanding is that until you manage to relieve the muscle tension, it is likely than the first effort will pull on your spine again, and pain will follow. The only real treatment is stretching, yoga and muscle strength.
Sounds familiar.
In my case, it is obviously directly related to the use of the mouse when working, poor posture and lack of neck stretching.
Sounds familiar.
Surfing and bad paddle technique doesn't help either.
I guess all the work we disk for the lower back and kitesurfing, will have to be done for the upper back and surfing.
Sounds familiar.
But first, the pain needs to go away before we can start any sort of exercise. RICE. Rest, Ice, compression, elevation.
Sounds boring.
It is.
Damn familiar.