Monday, July 14, 2014

Oxnard - Day 10

Today I was preparing the boat to be moved next door, ready for the Haul Out planned on Monday 14.
Cleaning and ordering things, packing the Dinghy, really fun stuff :P
But we moved the boat out of his confined slip, and I took her out for a spin, some maneuvers, testing the gears and throttle.

Cruising around the marina

Not my most beautiful picture, but I had the sun into my eyes :)

This harbor is quite big, actually.

Tomorrow. my boat will be there.

Oxnard's beach.
Cool, and some surf.

Found some time to finally fix the stove

Looks like camping....
This is camping actually.

First hot drink on the boat since I got her ...

Not much to say at this point, tomorrow will be stressful, you know when you go into a boat yard, but you don't know when you go out of the boat yard....

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