Thursday, March 26, 2015

Valley to the Sea : Lesson #2 : Know your limits

"Which limits ? "
Considering that I did very well those past couple of years on the running front, I built some confidence, to a point it could be considered as arrogance. I thought I could power through the pain and the tiredness , by the strength of the will. After all, I never walked and I run more than a thousand of miles in a lot of bad setup. Some part of me must have thought I was invincible.
Maybe not fast. But unstoppable.
Well. This time I have been proven wrong.

2 Miles from the end. Hitting heel first, body unbalanced.
Pain grin. Not pretty.

One thing is certain. If I have been more careful and keep some strength, I would have finish with a better time. Certainly under my goal. And that would have changed everything. Arriving in such pain stole all benefits of the accomplishment. I was ashamed to have put myself in such physical disgrace. To have pushed myself to the point I could not walk. That was not my plan. I still want it to be enjoyable. Compete a bit, for fun, why not. But who cares ? Never I thought I was gonna push it that far.

I think Randy told me : "You look strong".
I could not stop myself to laugh.
Half a mile later, I would walk.

Half a week after the race, I am back in shape. I can walk, jog for one hour and more, swim. If the wind comes back, I might try some kitesurf. Has been a while. Heard stories about people hurting themselves so bad, they were broken for life. I am lucky my body handled it that well. But it has to be written down, and remembered.
Pain - in such scale - is not fun.
And running is all about fun.

Next marathon, I promised myself, I will train better and run slower.
And I will end up to go faster.

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