Thursday, May 18, 2017

Feet Picking

Since a couple of months, I have been running between 15 min to 40 min every day focusing only on form. No intensity, No pacing. Just form.
Today, 30 minutes thinking only about foot picking.
Left. Right. Left. Right. Repeat.

One of my favorite play-field, next door,  next town, few baseball fields in the park, mostly because it is (almost) flat.
The loop is short, little bit less than 1 mile.
And as always, on the Haleakala flank, there is the view.

Running at sunset got its perks.

Foot picking or pulling.
While running, instead of pushing forward and lifting your knee, imagine picking back your feet behind, bending the knees. Start like a Heel to Butt, but the foot ends at knee high.
It is a fast circular movement.

Here is the rational:
This is a reflex, low energy, highly efficient.

Chi Running is all about NOT using your muscles when you run.
Therefor you should never be tired and could run for ever.
As enlightenment  in yoga, this is certainly true, ...
... at the end of the path.

See you there.

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