Saturday, February 2, 2013

Diet secrets - Part One

I started last year to talk a little about ,my change of life style, diet and overall pacing. As all changes, good ones and bad ones, there is always a trigger, usually a fundamental one. Coming into Maui, starting working remotely and gently exiting the rat race, was a certainly a big step for me. It allowed me to reestablish myself on new basis and redefine my goals, personal, and family related. Maui, a Surfer's island and Kitesurfer's paradise helps you to get on tracks, and stay on tracks. 

Not so brief encounter with the "BoneYard".
Glad I had my gloves and wet suit.

Stepping outside, the reef is there to remind you the right of way.

I still believe it is possible to change your diet and lifestyle anywhere, but there is obviously some atmosphere that helps, and having a better way of organizing my time, balancing personal life, work life and fun stuff without too much struggling, made it easier. I don't think that coming to live on an island in the middle of the Pacific is an easy choice, and it has its inconveniences, obviously, it is not made for everyone, but when it is made for you, it is definitively a good kicker to change things.

Shark Repellent

Ok, Now we are done with the philosophical stuff, let s go back on the subject. 
Checking back those posts, /relatively-easy-diet-explained-1-fears, I went through the basics fears I had to go over, before even considering changing my diet. Let's say, you have the time and the will to try it too. Where do you start ? Not sure, but I can say where I did start.
Google. Everything started with "Surfer Diet" keywords. Yeah, I know, I consider myself as a surfer. Presumptuous ?

Super simple. But there is a lot of truths in those simple evidences. No Junk food. Not too much fat. Some proteins, some carbs. Carbs ? what do you mean? One link after another, you begin to get the terms, hidden truth behind the fad diets and weight watchers b***t.
Eventually ....To my point, today I was during a quick run through this book at the supermarket. 

A Texas Firefighter , professional Triathlete, Vegan .. Unusual.

Guess what. Did not see anything new. Except the setup. I think at this point, we can assume we know what is good and what is not.
The only question is, are you ready for it ?
Another book that I am reading (full time this one) and that covers more in details the diet profile I am using:

I discovered it AFTER I was already deep into my diet, and just got a more scientific explanation about why it is working and how you can push it further. But the basics, I grabbed them on Google. As would say my wife, I am pretty good at diagonal reading and filtering the crap on the internet. I think this is a skill of survival in the 21th century.

What is my point ? The information is there, free and available. You have books too. I will explain my tactics, but you can have yours. Beware the easy path, it is the way on the dark side. And if you start dig into that , you will understand pretty fast :
Stop talking about diet as a losing weight method. A diet is a way of eating, and will evolve into a way of life. Someone said (I am pretty sure - people have said everything and its opposite- But I am too lazy to google it - too late - I did - hey, this guy was french) - You are what you eat. Kind of obvious to me that you cannot change yourself - and your body is part of your self -without changing what you eat. 

Then, stop looking for an easy route, a quick way of losing 5 pounds, stop losing weight, just change your diet.

The best for the end :

Ridiculous picture, And , yes, I kept the T-shirt on purpose. 
But yes, it is working. Figures to prove it. 5 inches - 13 cm to prove it.
And frankly, before .. I was not what people will consider fat... and miles from obese.

I regret this picture already ;)

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