Sunday, February 1, 2015


It was the "Super Bowl" Sunday. And a very grim Sunday. I postponed my long run because it was way to wet for me to run for 2:30 under the rain. I am not equipped, and not really should I. this is not often the case to really justify investing in some rain running equipment, like gore-tex running shoes. But today, what a bummer. I was feeling a little sick as well, lots of cold and flu around us. Winter and the tourist season, usually, it is a good time for the germs. Our daughter has been missing the last couple of days of school, as half of her class.

Rainy, Wet, Grey.
We are not used to that much. 

As I am stuck at home, at least, let s get some of the old job on the list done. A first, the brakes. I can do oil change and simple maintenance liquids already, break pads was actually not that hard at all, once properly equipped - As always.

Time to pretend to be 'The Mechanic'
Before the boat, now the car. Learning as I can.

The good thing is you can get a free "loan" for specialty tools in town, which is really a plus.
Like this one.

Caliber Piston Special Tool.
Not that hard once you have the proper tool.

Anyway, the Super Bowl went unnoticed, and the day as well. Almost unnoticed the change of plans - extremely rare - of my training program. 
Hopefully, tomorrow I will feel better and will manage to get some serious running between some code lines.
That is the advantage of the flexible schedule.
The disadvantage is that you do not have any excuses to not stick to your plan.
Except when it is raining.

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