Monday, October 15, 2012

Why a Blog ?

And why in English ?
First, my daughter can review my spelling.(period).
Well, I guess I got corrupted. Cannot think in French anymore. And who knows, maybe it may inspire someone I do not know yet.
Anyway, anyone who knows me would be surprised seeing me trying to write a Blog.
Not that I do not like this form of communication or social exposure.
Maybe at the beginning, I had some preconceived ideas about blogs and bloggers, and the vanity of talking about themselves. Ego, Ego ... There is already half a dozen of 'I' in this post, and there will be more. **sic**.
Now, I am following actively a good dozen of those, and found some people life or comments interesting enough to go beyond this idea.
But really, what was stopping me was the lack of something to say. No surprise there, I have high expectations, then, now, you can bet, that if I start a Blog now, I have something to say that is pretty interesting.

Hookipa - First swell of the season. Triple Overhead. 
No, This not me paddling.

Indeed. LoL.
But beyond this, I need the public place to help me on my way.

I got the idea from someone-else blog (what a surprise)

Accountability to reach a goal. Going public forces to stick to it. For the proud and fierce.

In practice, we will see if that helps or not : first experiment.
Real experiment is not new, I spend one month thinking about defining this goal and practicing. But I had an escape route. I did not go public. My wife knew, of course, and supporting, and my daughter was joking about it, but I could back off at any time.
You know you can not help someone that do not really wants to get better.(more on this later, this is one of my favorite topic ;)
I took one month to think about if i really want to go better. And now,  can say it to the world -or at least to my world.
I do. I have a goal.

Do not worry, the first dozen of post may be bigger than usual, because I already spend one month chewing over it. I am pretty sure than after that this blog will slowdown, or stop, like most of them.
But at least, the goal will be public. 
Tomorrow ;)

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