Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why could I not resist ?

Well, we had good conditions of kiting during all weekend.
Should not be a surprise, but the pain came back with a vengeance after a long session on Saturday and a shorter one yesterday.

As you may have guessed, I am looking now more into alternate ways of relieving the pain and having a diagnostic. Right now I am looking in to the Somatic approach.

I am almost done with this one, which is kind of the source reference. The book is very interesting, but the exercises are poorly explained (or hard to understand), which makes the practical section of the book almost useless. Overall, worth the read if you have pain issues.

Anyway, long story short, even I consider myself on Blog holiday, or post-40 recovery, this other blog is really really interesting ...(and that is "Why I could not resist ?", you get the idea.)

For you all computers geeks:

"The most common muscle pain complaint people contact me about is hip pain. Specifically right sided hip pain often accompanied by tightness in the ribs and waist on the same side.  There is invariably accompanying same side shoulder pain, usually on the top of the shoulder and into the neck. To top it off, 100% of those people sit at a computer almost all day. "


She has a DVD specially for super athletes like me (sic)

I am to inches to buy her DVD and give it shot for the next 2-3 weeks.
If i do, i will let you know.

This guys seems to be genuinely happy about it.

If he can run, I should be able to kite , right ?

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