Saturday, July 20, 2013

Good Morning Scale

Another morning ritual.

You need to substract 0.9, I've got my pyjamas.

I am hovering between 147 and 149 pounds right now, I.e. 67kg. My sophisticated scale give me an average of 15% of BMI - Fat Index. And yes, I need to check my BMI at a clinic soon, those scale are average at best. It is not too bad, Athletes usually go under 10%, Ultramarathon runners are around 5-6%, and the American average is peaking at 28% now.

Based on a book, everybody can reach 12%. Going under is more genetic related and can become really arduous. I set my target to 12% for this marathon, i.e. need to loose again 3% of fat.

150 * 0.97 = 145 pounds as a target.

But because I am hardcore, I set 140 pounds as a goal. I like round numbers.

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