Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Sit tight. We have - not one- but two hurricanes on our way.

Iselle on her way
It is actually rare that those hurricanes hit the islands badly. Maybe every 20 years or so. Same, if you are at sea, you must be pretty unlucky if you end up to have one on your way.

Julio following

If you look at the global map, usually, the hurricanes stay south of Hawaii. You can see  here the path from California is clear.
However, "Usually" implies exceptions. And those exceptions are extremely tricky to deal with.
Well, if there was no danger, there won't be any fun.
Anyone who surfed double overhead waves and bigger would agree. The key point is preparation, psychological awareness and a bit of luck.

In the mean time, we will hold tight on our island in the middle of the pacific.
It is gonna rock those next few days.

Hey, what if the electricity is cut ? Or tap water.
Or worst, Internet ?

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