Monday, August 25, 2014

Oxnard - Day 23

The week end is usually sign of leisure and time-off. For me, on the opposite, I start racing against the clock.
How much will I be able to do before Monday ?
No surprises, the plan is to finish the Through-Hulls.

Inside. New flange, New Elbow. Isn't it clean ?
Inside - Outside.

Another job for the 3M 5200

This is the messier product I ever saw. it goes everywhere. Stick everywhere. And old buddy of mine who was helping me on my previous boat ended up to have some in his hair and mouth.

After cleaning up the mess. It looks alright, doesn't it ??

Now, I have 5 through-hulls to be redone, sealed and tightened. It took the full day. Roughly.
Here is the catch. I might have screwed up.
I did not realize but the use of the sealant made almost impossible to tight them. Obviously, Alone, I could not be outside and inside the boat to hold the "screw" and the "bolt". Plus you need a special tool - that I did not have -  to hold the Through-Hull from the outside.(it goes inside and hold the "ears").
I used all my imagination and find some interesting way to stop the full part to turn and turn. But eventually, I had to admit, I won't be able to tight them that "hard". (except the one with the strainer - and screws - this one was a breeze).
Now, it was the week-end, nobody - almost - on the yard, I could not call for help.
Monday, that will be the good or bad news game. I might have to pull them all 4 out, with 5200 sealant - permanent bond -  that will be a real nightmare. Add to that a full day lost.
I ask a neighbor of the yard : "if that was my boat, I would pull them out, and redo it the proper way".
*** Sic ***.
Let's wait to see what our Yard manager thinks of all this.
They look strong to me.
But well, I am a perfectionist.
If I have to pull them out, I will.
No matter the cost.

As my neighbor "Cal" told me : " I already did everything twice on my boat, and sometime more.".
I guess this is how we learn. As a child. Painfully.

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