Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tank Shock

No, this is not a video game name. Could be, though.
Stuck at the marina, waiting for my water pump to arrive Monday likely (and some plumbing on Tuesday), I am cranking down my to-do list for a change.
The Jetlag was way better this way than the opposite, I am already getting up quite early and working late too.
Same old, same old.

At night, I started to work again on the Jordan drogues.
Around 80 cones to do.

It was very foggy yesterday, to the point it feels it was raining... Inside.
Hard to tell, but the hatch of the main salon is leaking. Too.

This one seems only to leak at the screen.
It will be easier.

Redid the reefing system. New blocks, new lines.
Reefing will be a breeze in a breeze.

Getting better at packing the main.
On my previous mast, I had a furling mast.
I think I prefer like this.

New belts. And a ton of chlorine.
Time for a shock treatment.

Goal is to fill the tanks with a doze of chlore to disinfect them.Killing germs takes usually 24 hours.
After you have to rinse and flush the full system at least a couple of time.

Bought our diesel spare tank.
The engine sender does not work anymore, then it is better to be safe.
And I will need Diesel tomorrow when I will be changing the filters.

Changing oil and filters.
You are supposed to warm up the oil, but for this is you need an engine that runs :)
Took me 4 hours, but I did 2 pass of oil change.
Just in case, some water managed to infiltrate the engine case.

At the risk of repeating myself, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The last two big items, the engine service and the jordan drogue are on good way. The fuel filter change - planned for tomorrow - is critical. If all is good, everything relies on the water pump, that I should get early next week.

After that, this is history.

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