Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Salute !

I never really started the full somatic serie, but i enjoyed the morning stretch. After years of battle, I finally decided to give a shot to Yoga (I should have started years ago). A small shot, I concede. We will see.
Anyway, for the time being, my morning strecht and wake up will be around the idea of the famous "Sun Salutations".

As I am feeling better overall, it is harder and harder to keep with the exercises and daily stretches. However, I know how important is it to keep on going. My guess is a routine, easy to follow and well defined will do the trick for the morning.

the serie

I know, I know. If you read this blog, you already should think it took me a long time to go to this Yoga thing. Truth is, this is kind of my wife playground. Unconsciously, I guess I was reluctant to join. Only idiots refuse to change their mind.

Idiot at the wheel !

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