Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Correct posture - Part 345

It looks like I like to repeat myself, like history.
If you do a posture do it well.

By the way, this website explain some in high details. Very cool.

Ok, Now the little daily story. The bridge is a good tool to build Glutes and stretch Psoas. Well, I tried it before and did not like it.
Why ? It is supposed to:

"Lengthens the spine – especially in the lower back. Can help ease lower back ache.  Helps to open the front of the shoulders. Tones the abdominal muscles. Very relaxing and can relieve stress."

Not for me. I always squeeze my low back spine, kind of compress my disks and feel pain after, in the low back, where it was supposed to be "helping".

Beautiful Bridge.

Again, there is a secret. In fact, two.

"To get even more space in the lower spine visualize the tailbone being pulled away as your pelvis rises up. Keep this image of the tailbone being pulled away as the hips come down as well."

you have to push away your pelvis, which is very different that arching your back. Believe me, there is a hell of a difference.

Second one, is to put a medicine ball between your knee, which forces to contract the inside muscle of the leg, and relax the external ones.

Like this, but the ball activate the inner leg muscles

I like paddle boarding too, but there is more waves at my local spot.

Next time i am on water, I am trying this.

Lesson 345: If you do it, do it well.

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